part i: relationships As someone who has seen far too many bad relationships, both my own and my friend's, I truly wonder what the point of it all is. The task of finding a good partner appears to be an extremely daunting one, and there is a definite lack of decent available people. People keep telling me that I treat people too well, and this is problematic because it is not reciprocated. I think that if people were more decent to one another, the world would be a much more pleasant place to live in.
Below, I list advice for people on how they should treat their partners. I feel that all points should be totally obvious, but apparently a plethora of people don't understand how to be decent. I've written it as advice for men with female partners, but intend for the sexes to be substituted for in any way you please.If you say you are going to call her, then do it!! Calling her 2 weeks later with the pathetic excuse that "I never said when I would call you - at least I'm calling" is not acceptable. She should be a high priority in your life. It's okay for school or work to be a higher priority than her, but when your friends or hobbies are constantly more important to you then her, you need to re-prioritize. Treat her in at least the same way that you treat your friends. Listen to her. Really listen. Don't tell her how hot you think other women are. Continously pointing out other women and their attributes is not a good idea, and can just make her feel worse about herself and her flaws. Tell her you love her. If you don't, maybe you shouldn't be with her. If you don't want to be with her anymore, tell her so. Don't act like an asshole waiting for her to get the hint and ditch you. Compliment her. Mean what you say. Be thoughtful, respectful, and courteous. Be affectionate. Studies have shown that human beings need the touch of others to be healthy and happy. Hugz and kissez go a long way! Put her sexual needs above yours sometimes, say around 50% of the time. Remember her birthday.