pains As I grow older, I have come to the realization that life is short and that there is no point is stressing over the little things. You can't escape it, so it is best to deal with it and move on to more pleasurable things. Though this is sometime difficult advice to follow. I could worry myself to death over little, inconsequential items that needn't deserve any attention. Effort must be paid not do so.
What else? I dislike certain people for their narrow-mindedness and their hatred & bashing of those that are different. Add to this list other bigots of various natures [ie those that are homophobic, racist, sexist, etc].
I don't like the fact that I am going to die someday, and that even this realization is not enough to motivate me to accomplish more and do more with my life so that I will never look back and regret. A life with no regrets would be ideal, I should think. I keep waiting for another ephiphany, but it moves so slowly toward me.
I abhor the sun because it causes tans, wrinkles, and skin cancer, none of which are particularily appealing or healthy. I prefer to be pale, which I think is more attractive than tanned skin. This is just a preference of mine, and doesn't mean that I have something against people with a naturally non-pale skin colour. I don't understand how people can pay to spend time in tanning salons.
I hate that one must conform to certain societal standards in order to be accepted in an academic or professional community. What does what I look like or how I clothe my body have to do with my job performance? Very little, but people seem to have a hard time realizing this. The same person can reside behind many different appearances, and we should not be judged on this physical basis.
I get pissed off because "gothic" items such as pvc/fishnet/velvet/lace/leather apparel, black/dark nailpolish/lipstick, boots/footwear are readily available in mainstream stores, and that mainstream people are buying and wearing these items. I long for the days gone past when one had to hunt for specialty stores or order things of a gothic or ambient nature. Now any fool can obtain anything they want and it is no longer rare or special.